Yellow Brick House

Corporate Projects

Unlock meaningful corporate partnerships with Yellow Brick House and align your business goals with a powerful cause. By collaborating with us, you contribute to empowering women and children in our communities, fostering a positive impact that extends beyond business success. Join hands with Yellow Brick House to create a lasting legacy of support, social responsibility, and positive change. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those seeking refuge and a fresh start, while achieving your corporate objectives through purpose-driven collaboration.

Ways to Partner

Strategic Giving

Direct your donations towards Yellow Brick House programs that resonate with your corporate values, dedication, and business strategy. Explore our comprehensive list of services offered to the community by visiting our Core Programs page. For more information, please reach out to

Cause Marketing

Contribute a portion of proceeds from sales or events to foster stronger customer loyalty and brand appreciation. This dual impact strengthens your brand’s reputation while supporting women and children in need. For more information, please reach out to

Brand Exposure

Sponsor a Yellow Brick House program or event, expand your reach to our extensive audience, and bolster your brand. This also helps us offset operational costs and channel more funds toward our community in need. For more information, please reach out to

Employee Engagement

Lead or participate in events and programs that increase employee engagement and strengthen team building while supporting the causes your employees care about most. If you have any questions, please reach out to

Product Donation

Repurpose excess inventory and reduce inventory costs. For a comprehensive list of items we are in need of, please visit our Wish List. If you have any questions, please reach out to

Previous Corporate Projects

Explore transformative initiatives with our corporate partners, showcasing positive change through teamwork. From facility enhancements to community outreach, each project underscores our commitment to a more supportive environment. Join us in celebrating impactful corporate partnerships and their lasting imprint on those in need. Explore the details of these impactful projects on our Project Page.

If your workplace or business is interested in collaborating with
Yellow Brick House please contact us at